Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chocolate Syrup

I'm all about making things from the least amount of ingredients as possible. And I also believe if you make things at home from scratch it is way better for you. Less preservatives, less hidden bad fats and such.. And lets mention Bugs or bug residue! Eww.. One time at Culinary school I was in the store room class. So you get orders together for other classes... And i had to grab this brown paper bag of raisins and you have NO CLUE what i found in there????? It was a dead cockroach. It was so gross. If you google it im sure you can find the other products that have traces of bugs in them. Pretty gross...

Anyways... Tonight I thought I would make home made chocolate syrup!

In a bottle of Hersheys Chocolate Syrup there is tons of other un necessary ingredients like High fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, water, sugar, cocoa, contains 2% or less of: potassium sorbate (preservative), salt, mono & digycerides, polysorbate 60 (emulsifier), xanthan gum & vanilla (artificial flavor).

The syrup I made contains cocoa powder, salt, sugar, water and vanilla.

And it is SUPER EASY to make.. and tastes SOOO good!!!

So heres the recipe

1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup water
2 cups sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla

Boil the water and cocoa together until dissolved. Add sugar and stir. Once the sugar dissolves add salt and vanilla. Let cool and pour into a bottle. Stick that bad boy in the fridge and you're good to go! This makes such a nice flavor chocolate milk!  Im not sure how long it will last, but i almost guarantee it will be gone before it expires!

this hasn't been stirred recently lol there is a bit of settling that occured

the remaining chocolate syrup

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